i-D Magazine | Music To…Reflect
Here is my latest podcast. This time for i-D magazine – Music to…Reflect. Click picture to stream
Here is my latest podcast. This time for i-D magazine – Music to…Reflect. Click picture to stream
Here is a Spotify playlist i put together for the Austrian newspaper Der Standard. Music i listen to outside the club – old inspirations and new favorites: http://derstandard.at/2000004335675/Songs-der-anderen-MOTSA
THUMP has premiered my new remix of alt-J’s amazing „Hunger Of The Pine“. Read some kind words on it over here: http://thump.vice.com/words/motsa-flips-alt-js-hunger-of-the-pine-into-a-piece-of-bass-heavy-euphoria
Here is a new remix which i made for my friends from the Ghost Capsules. Download via i-D magazine on Soundcloud:
Great to see i have been included in XLR8R’s top 20 downloads of June http://www.xlr8r.com/features/2014/06/xlr8rs-top-20-downloads-june
XLR8R premiered a remix i did for my buddies Julian & Der Fux. Buy on vinyl here: http://www.dailyrecords.at/product_info.php?products_id=335
A big thank you goes out to the Beatport team for choosing my track „Untitled“ as one of the 50 must hear tracks of 2013. What a great round off to a great year!
Big ups to Sasha for feat. my production „Sleepless Nights“ on the August 2013 edition of Mixmags cover mix.